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Laser & Physical Therapy

Laser & Physical Therapy

Laser Treatments are becoming increasingly popular for patients seeking alternative pain management techniques. Laser Therapy can:

  • Reduced therapy time – quicken the reproduction of cells and their growth.
  • Safely treat pain – influences and increases the metabolic activity of the cells.
  • Effective for pain relief – reduces swelling from bruising or inflammation.
  • Helps to increase circulation to damaged cell sites.

Laser & Physical Therapy

Laser Therapy is performed by a Physical Therapist, and is a painless process that takes between five and ten minutes. To achieve the best results, expect to try six to twelve sessions of the therapy. If you have any other questions about Laser Therapy, including how to get started, just ask your Physical Therapist. The staff at Professional Physical Therapy is eager to answer any of your therapy questions.

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